Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rain please go away, seriously!

We have had a very uneventful weekend. This rain is starting to get to me, I really need to see the sun to improve my mood! Thursday my cleaning girl came and I thought I would feel strange being in the house with someone else cleaning but surprisingly I didn't. She did a really good job, I'm so glad I didn't have to clean this weekend.

We didn't make it to the beach on Friday because of the rain that will never end. We did get lots of shopping done. My husband loves to shop, sometimes I wish he didn't love it so much. He wanted to look for some workout clothes. He ended up getting some good bargains.

Saturday our plan was the beach and of course it was still raining. We have been trying to find a small entertainment cabinet for the Florida room so our mission was to find one. We searched everywhere and finally found one from the base exchange, they had to order it and hopefully by the end of the week it will be here and we can get rid of the one that's in there now.

Of course when we got up this morning what a surprise it was still raining. We've been catching up on our dvr shows so not a bad day to be inside. After Friday and yesterday running around in the rain was the last think I wanted to do today.


Sandra said...

Rain rain go away is right. Shopping really is the best medicine though for those crappy weather day blues.

Sandy said...

I love the rain...but I'm ready for a day of sunshine. A friend at church left for Hawaii early this morning and I was thinking...wonder what it feels like to be here in this rain this morning and in that beautiful spot by evening!

Kat said...

Wow! That is a lot of rain. Let's make a deal. I'll send you all of our heat, sun, and humidity and you can send us some rain. Our grass is looking pretty brown.

Hope it clears up by you!