Thursday, July 22, 2010

Weekend to do list

Since Thursday's are my Friday's I'm already getting my to do list ready for the weekend. Tomorrow Shane is getting his senior picture made, I don't know how it's possible for him to be so old. The company came to his school at the beginning of summer and of course we were on vacation. The company is coming back to the school in September but I want to be there when he has the pictures made, they are expensive and I want him to have time to get ready for them rather than having so many kids all at once at school. Unfortunately we have to go to Mobile for the pictures which is about an hour away. I'm hoping to stop at one of the malls on the way back, Shane doesn't know this yet!

I got a big picture that you put pictures in from Kirklands the other day (did that make sense?), now I need to find pictures to put in it, hopefully the pictures I have are the correct size. I already know where I want to hang it, that doesn't sound too hard or time consuming. Did I say I love Kirklands, I can always find stuff in that store and I love the way it smells and it's close to my work.

I'm looking forward to going to the beach on Saturday, we only went one day last weekend so I'm really ready to go. Hopefully the weather will be wonderful on Sunday as well. Last weekend husband got a huge flounder and yes we ate it and it was delicious and we didn't get sick so I guess it was OK (meaning not oil). We didn't see any oil on the beach or the water, only a little bit of seaweed.

Sometime between now and Monday I've got to clean my house, with the beach calling my name it's not looking to good. I would love to have someone clean my house for me. I guess that's really all I have to do. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend and try to stay cool.


Sandy said...

Sure is pretty weather for the beach! We were over there today for lunch. A friend at church is catching fish off the pier and eating them. I remember when we had senior pictures made and seems like we had appointment times..didn't we? I can't believe that little baby that I held way back in 1994 is going into his senior year!

Becky said...

Sounds like you are going to be pretty busy. I would opt for the beach over cleaning. Have fun whatever you do!