Monday, October 1, 2007

Cake and glass shell

I made this wonderful apple cake that Sandy told us about last week. It was so good and easy to make - I'm all about the easy part!
I went to a very small craft fair on Saturday and this was the only thing that caught my eye. I was really disappointment they didn't have more stuff, I was in the mood to buy. I hung this on my front porch where the morning sun can shine through it.

We really didn't do too much else over the weekend. The temps were a little chilly - in the 60's. The leaves are really starting to change around here, I'll be posting pics of the trees later.


Sandy said...

That cake is really good. I made it over at my mama's last week for them and I think I'll make one for the husband to take to his work tomorrow. The item you got at the craft fair is cute. We have a couple of festivals coming up in the next couple of weeks here that we hope to get to.

Pam said...

I'm going to have to try that cake now!
Our leaves probably won't change here for another several weeks. Even when they do, it's been so dry they'll probably fall right off withouut changing much at all. I look forward to seeing your pics!

Special K ~Toni said...

I will definitely be checking out that cake! I love food! And when it's easy to make- all the better!

kristie said...

i need to make that cake, i got a lot of vermont apples from trader joes on saturday. it's nice that y'all have craft fairs in the fall when it's cooler...unlike here when they do them in the heat of summer!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

I made one too! Tonight I am making Apple stuffing to go with our Chicken for dinner.
The apples we picked already went soft. No one wants to eat them soft so I guess I have a few more crisps and breads to make so they don;t go to waist...