Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Crazy Driver

I have tell what happened to me this morning on the way to taking S to school. When I got to the stop sign on my street another car was coming toward the stop sign – really fast. After she stopped I did the hand signal for her to slow down. I then turned and she was right behind me and I mean right behind me almost on my bumper. I stopped at the next stop sign; the woman pulled out from behind me and drove through the stop sign (remember kids are walking to school at this time). A few feet further was a cross walk so she had to stop to let kids cross so while I was behind her I started taking down her license number, she got out of her car and yelled at me to see if I got it, I shook my head yes and she screamed good back at me. At this point I’m so mad that this woman is doing all this while kids are walking to school. You have to remember we still have a lot of snow on the ground and places in the street are frozen so it’s really not the best time to be speeding. So after I drop off S I called security police and they tell me I need to come in to make a statement. So after work I went in and made a formal statement. I really feel good about doing it too, that woman could have hit someone this morning being in such a hurry.


kristie said...

good for you!! what's wrong with people these days?

Sandy said...

I second Girlville, Good for you! She is probably a mean old sour puss all the time and in a bad mood in the mornings! It will be good to have her stopped or at least they can be on the lookout for her and maybe that will make her slow down. Our street is a long straight shot and we get speeders all the time and it drives me crazy thinking about kids and animals that could come out while the crazies are speeding.

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

I third I would of done the same thing. especially Teenagers! They drive me crazy.
Whats up with the woman getting out of her car and yelling at you? Sounds like she needs a wake up call! and thanks to you she just may get it!

Give yourself a pat on the back....

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Sorry I deleted a part of my comment by accident..I meant to write We have drivers like that here too... Especially Teenager...

Pugalicious said...

what a *** I would have defintely said and done something as well that is not right at all! good for you!

Random Musings said...

Good for you for taking the time to make a formal complaint!
Oh stay tunned to my blog there are now phone numbers you can call to report people who are driving without child seats!!!