Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weekend Recap

Today I posted a picture on my photoblog of the kids bowls they used when they were babies. Sandy couldn't believe I still had them so I thought I'd post the complete bowl set. Sandy do you recognize the bell you gave C when he was born.
C's complete set.
S's complete set.
This is what S always used, I don't know what happened to his Barney cup, it probably broke because he used it all the time.
Saturday we didn't do too much, this is a picture of the snow shoveled out of a parking lot (I thought Sandy would get a kick out of this one).
Friday night I played Bunco and won $5.00 (for the most losses), that's OK though I'll take the money anyway I can get it. We had a really good time, it's always fun getting together with our group.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Wow, I remember the bell. That is the first baby gift I ever bought. I have never seen one since then either. I'm so glad you have been able to keep it all these years. I love seeing the pictures of the snow...but I sit here wondering how "I" could get away without shoveling if I lived up there?? It makes me tired to think of all that shoveling.