Friday, November 12, 2010

Random stuff

I think this year is the year of festivals for me, seems like we've been to one every weekend for the past couple of months. The Art Festival last weekend had special meaning since one of Shane's photographs was selected by his teacher to be on display. Shane really has an eye for photography as well as Cole and they both get that from my dad. This is his photograph.
Last year one of our patients brought me a piece of her Confederate Rose plant, she said to just plant as is, it had not been rooted. I planted it probably around this time last year with not much hope of success. I assumed it would bloom in the spring but it didn't and actually most of the branch dried up. At the end of the summer I noticed this plant starting to grow, I assumed what I planted had died and was surprised to realize it was the Confederate Rose. It is such a beautiful flower and in such contrast to the mums I have on the porch. This is one of the roses.

Plans for tomorrow, another arts and craft festival.


Becky said...

Neat photo by your son! The rose looks so delicate, love the pink!

Sandy said...

I really like that picture. I can't imagine how fast the motion was going when it took.

Pam said...

what a beautiful flower!

Emily said...

Beautiful rose!!!

kristie said...

great picture by shane! that's interesting that there are festivals going on down there this time of year, up hear there's nothing this time of year.
you must have a green thumb! that rose is very pretty.