Friday, August 28, 2009


I'm actually doing nothing! I'm so excited to be able to sit and not feel like I have something else to do. On to the updates. Shane got his driver's license last Friday - yikes! I still can't believe he has them. He started school Monday and is already at home sick today, poor guy is really feeling horrible. I had planned to go to my parents today and tomorrow my mom and I were driving over to Atlanta for the day. The reason, Trader Joe's! I'm dying for some of my favs from TJ and that's the closes one to me. I know it sounds crazy to drive so far (5 hrs) to a grocery store but I plan on getting plenty of stuff when we do go.

I debated on discussing this topic on my blog but decided to go ahead. I'm back on weight watchers. A little background, three and half years ago I joined and lost 25 lbs. and became a lifetime member. Since leaving Boston I've been putting it ALL back on. I've been so frustrated with myself for slipping back into my old ways of eating so I went back to WW almost two weeks ago and have been on track since. I want to feel better in my clothes and better about myself and the WW program helped my in the past and I'm hoping to have the same success the second time around. Now I know I will always have to pay attention to everything that goes in my mouth!

On my job front - my boss has given my a week's paid vacation (about time) and I'm still working on a raise. I've decided to not complain because what good does it do except waste negative energy and just hope we can work something out with a raise.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


Mrs.D said...

I can't blame you for driving to the nearest Trader Joe's. I haven't been to one since the last bloggie meet-up! Hope you find lots of good stuff.

kristie said...

oh, a trip to trader joes would have been fun. maybe you can go again soon. there is one opening around the corner from my office in about 2 months...needless to say i cannot wai.

good luck with the weight loss! i'm sure you will get it off in no time.

Punchbugpug said...

I'd drive that far!!! In fact, Girlville checked it out and there is a Trader Joe's in Williamsburg, so we WILL be going there during the bloggy meetup!

Weight = UGH! It is a lifetime thing and gets harder as we age. Stinks.

Congrats on the paid week off, sure you don't want to spend some of it with us! LOL

Random Musings said...

Good luck with the weight loss, I did weight watchers too with success, its a great program!

I am about to blog about how I need to lose weight.. its time..

YAY about the vacation.. fingers crossed for the raise

Pam said...

That's great about weight watchers. joined back in Feb and have lost 23 pounds. The past few weeks I've fallen off plan a bit though but I'm back to tacking again.