I've been working some extra hours at work but that's all going to change this afternoon - boss is going on vacation until after the 4th! I'm so excited, I'll still go in to check the mail, messages, and make bank deposits but no patients to deal with and all my work is caught up. I think I'll do what I did last year and try to go through all his junk that he never throws away and straighten things out. I wish he was like me and actually threw things away!
We got some much needed rain yesterday afternoon, I don't think I've ever been so excited to see rain. I know I always talk about how I love the hot weather blah blah blah, well I'm here to say it's hot and I can't take it! There I said it. It was even too hot to go to the beach last weekend I'm so hoping the temps drop to the mid 90's!!!
I'm also excited about our new furniture purchase, we got a new sofa and one of those double chairs with ottoman I don't know what they're called, it's not a love seat but it's big enough for two people to sit in. We are putting our old sofa in the front room that currently has nothing in it and we are making it into a little sitting area.
Also I've started a new habit, I've been getting up every morning and walking around our neighborhood, I can't believe how much energy I have through the day. When we lived in Hawaii I walked in the mornings for years and just got out of the habit. I don't even dread getting up, husband runs every morning and when he comes in I wake up anyway. I guess I had more to say than I thought. Now that I'll have some time off I'll be able to catch up with everybody.
I need to send some of our rain down your way. We seem to finally have caught a break through all the storms but there for several weeks, it was raining buckets every afternoon. I shouldn't complain because it's better that the draught we've had the past couple summers.
oh, i laughed sooooooooo hard when you said it was TOO hot!!!!
It rained last night here too, with it being 120 degrees with no break in the heat its cooled it down a little bit.
Ahhhh..that rain was so nice. I am glad to hear you say you can't take this heat. I thought you were not normal because you like summer hotness...but my goodness it's too hot and humid. I have to see your new furniture...you must show us a picture or I'll get in my car and come your way! I bet you will have a relaxing time at work while the boss is away. Let's go to Red Robin for lunch sometime if you can!
TOOOOOOOOO HOT is right!! Lakeland was about 110 the other day with the heat index! It drains every ounce of energy out of me when I have to go outside. And I need to mow the back yard, I lose the little dogs when the go out!
I started my day yesterday by running and didnt need a nap or caffeine all day long! Amazing.
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