Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another update

I went to see Sandy last night and she was doing pretty good, still in a lot of pain though and she said the meds weren't really helping. The nurses had gotten her up yesterday morning and she said it was very painful but unfortunately she was going to have to get up again last night and I'm sure multiple times today. The doctor said she would be in the hospital at least until Saturday and maybe Sunday. As much as anyone hates being in the hospital they will be able to control her pain level much better than when she goes home. I told her y'all ask about her and she appreciated that. Keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery.

Not much else going on, my brother called the other day to ask why I didn't post the picture of me and he said he knew he would see that one of him on my blog.

I've found something else to become addicted to, facebook! I must be the last person to actually get an account. I can't believe all the people on there, it's like once you start looking for someone then look at their friends it never ends and you can spend days looking at it!


Becky said...

That is pretty good stuff they give you in the hospital for pain! Wishing her a speedy recovery!

Leah said...

Thanks for the update on Sandy. And welcome to Facebook!! Isn't it fun?

"M" said...

Hope Sandy continues feeling better...thanks for the update.

Denise said...

thanks again for letting us know how sandy is sad to hear she is in pain though. Also - no your not the last person to get an account - I will be... Denise in Australia :)

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Thanks for the info on Sandy. So sorry to hear about her pain. I hope she's feeling better soon. I'm not on facebook either, so don't feel so behind the times :)