Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The parents

We made it to my parents tonight, got the dogs situated and had a nice visit talking with my mom and dad. I've been looking for my grandmother's pound cake recipe (my recipe box is still packed away with everything else), my mom has my grandmothers recipe box but I can't seem to find the exact cake I'm looking for and I've been through all her recipe's. I guess I'll have to wait until I get all my stuff. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I was going to load a picture of my dad and Jazz but my card doesn't fit in any of my dads card readers so I'll do that when I get back home.


kristie said...

oooh, i hope you find that recipe, bake a cake, and send me a slice lol. have a great time with your family.

Sandy said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pam said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Glad you made it there safely. Oh, I love pound cake.