Thursday, August 14, 2008

Burning question

I've been watching a lot of the Olympics and I've got one question for the male divers. How in the world do they keep their tiny swimsuits from sliding down their legs? Seriously, the cameras don't show when they first enter the water and as they are getting out of the water they're holding onto the front of their suits. I know all these guys are in shape but it really isn't necessary to see them in such skimpy suits. It doesn't look like they have any kind of tie to keep it tight. Any suggestions or knowledge on this subject you'd like to share?


♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

hahaha...Good question. I have never noticed I will have to sneek a Peek! LOL

Page said...

hmmm, maybe the problem is they are wearing TOO MUCH clothing. Ha! Maybe not! I'm not sure, really, but maybe it has something to do with creating less of a splash?? Aren't they scored on that?

kristie said...

we need an underwater camera shot to answer this question!!!

Sandy said...

I have no clue about the men's suits...but the girls volley ball wear white tiny suit bottoms and are always picking them out of their butts!